Thursday, April 1, 2021

Strangeness in the Woods: 1966 UFO Close Encounter in New Hampshire


Artist rendition of UFO

As is more often the case than not, anomalous events are anything but typical, and this next UFO account most certainly falls within the atypical category. Here I will be recounting another brush with the unknown, and again, not widely publicized case from my home state of New Hampshire. An account which also celebrated it's 55th anniversary recently and coincidentally, just a few days before the writing of this article.  

The following account took place in the small town of Hampton Falls, NH, a town mostly dominated by farming and known for it's orchards not unlike many other typical, quaint NH towns. On the afternoon of March 29, 1966 for one young boy, it turned out to be anything but typical. At around 4:15pm Benjamin Brackett, then age 10, was out walking his Dalmatian dog in the woods behind his home. Following along a wooded path which leads to a pond, he first noticed something odd on a nearby ridge. Something silver-colored. His first thought was it was a 'radar chaff' which had fallen into some tree branches. As he closed the distance between himself and the object, he noticed what he described as a 'glob with tassels' sticking out of it. As he drew even closer, he noticed the 'glob and tassels' were attached to some sort of silver rod, approximately 1-1/2 ft. long, and then connected to a 'box-like' structure sitting atop the ground. He then noticed the antenna-like feature on top had disappeared, while he had looked away for a moment. At this point he was no more than seventy-five feet away from the object as he continued towards it, and it was then he noticed it was sitting on what looked to be three 'legs'.

Image credit: NICAP/CUFOS

Suddenly, to his amazement, a blast of air started coming from the 'craft', which in turn started blowing pine needles around in the vicinity, along with it emitting a low-pitched sound. It then lifted off the ground between six to twelve inches, and stopping in mid air began rotating in a clockwise motion before settling back to the ground again. The odd-looking craft which he described as shaped like an "L", was approximately 60 inches long and forty inches tall. The witness reported afterwards that it moved and maneuvered with 'mechanical-like' precision. The craft then began making a 'electric-like' noise which understandably frightened him but he was just as curious. He noted the exterior and texture of it resembled a 'cork' and looked like a dull aluminum, tarnished silver, not polished. Each of the 'tripod' legs roughly measured twelve inches wide. Underneath, on the bottom of the craft he noticed a brown, inverted, 'dishpan' or dome which measured roughly 24 inches across, with three small openings in view of the witness.

Image credit: NICAP/CUFOS

Near the top of the craft he noticed two small openings roughly an inch in diameter, and about six inches apart, too small to make out any interior details. The tripod legs appeared to be made out of a squared-shaped, metallic material. While pondering the 'craft' in front of him and wondering what to do next, young Benjamin began hearing the electric-like sounds again emanating from inside the craft. Then another blast of air exited from underneath the craft as it rose to about ten feet in the air, stopping for a moment and then moving horizontally in a south-easterly direction for roughly 24 feet. The craft then again stopped momentarily, turned clockwise 60 degrees, then shot straight up and out of sight.  

On a personal note here, because of the age of the aforementioned witness, I'm sure many might put this story down to nothing more than the vivid imagination and flight of fancy of a ten year old. But then again, young minds are actually the most pure, nonjudgmental and untainted in my eyes. I have no doubt this young witness saw something strange that day in 1966. But what? At it's estimated described size, certainly it would be one of the smaller UFO 'crafts' that have been described at close range. Might it have been a experimental military probe of some sort? Or just maybe, something else beyond our comprehension altogether.

 The physical traces left by the object, whatever it was, and the detailed eyewitness account make this CE II case quite unique in the annals of Ufology.


Credit to Michael Schratt at

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